Meet Susan
Susan Parker, a prolific Concord Theatricals published playwright, forged a remarkable theatrical legacy alongside her late husband Michael with a portfolio of seven acclaimed plays that have graced stages both in the United States and across the globe since 2006, with over 551 productions. Her creative situational comedies have transcended borders, captivating audiences in over ten different countries.

Her plays have taken the world by storm, entertaining and delighting audiences with situational comedies that offer whip-smart dialogue, imaginative characters and the opportunity for audiences to burst into laughter at life’s absurdities. Her initial play, Sin, Sex & the CIA has delighted audiences since 2006, while Sex Please We’re Sixty has been a theatrical tour-de-force. Susan’s artistic adeptness extends beyond traditional comedies encompassing works such as Sex Please We’re Sixty-The Musical, Money Matters and Love, Lies & the Doctor’s Dilemma. In 2018, she introduced her latest gem, Sandy Toes & Salty Kisses, which despite a three year hiatus due to the pandemic, has rapidly gained popularity in theatres across the United States and internationally. Currently she is engaged in crafting her next high-quality play for theatre audiences.
While she takes pride in the recognition cast members and her plays receive at theatre award ceremonies, Susan's measure of success is anchored in the multitude of sold out performances, the resounding acclaim from positive reviews, and the infectious, genuine laughter that emanates from her audiences. Susan Parker's indomitable spirit and creative brilliance continue to leave an indelible mark on the global theater scene today.

Meet Michael

Michael Parker (1931-2019), left an indelible mark as an international playwright published by Concord Theatricals, boasting a portfolio of 15 celebrated comedy plays that continue to captivate audiences in more than 30 countries across the world. With over 1530 productions since 1996, Michael’s life’s journey began in England, carried him to Canada, settled him in the Turks & Caicos and eventually led him to the United States, where he transformed his life experiences into uproarious comedic narratives.
In 1996 his play, “The Amorous Ambassador” made its debut under the auspices of Samuel French Inc., New York, now known as Concord Theatricals. This success was swiftly followed by The Sensuous Senator in 1998. Inspired by the triumph of his initial two plays, he embarked on a prolific period of writing churning out The Lone Star Love Potion, Hotbed Hotel, There’s A Burglar In My Bed, Whose Wives Are They Anyway, Who’s In Bed With The Butler? and Never Kiss A Naughty Nanny, (Adapted to “No Sex Please - It’s Christmas!“ In 2018). These works were all published between 1999-2006.
In 2006, he embarked on a collaborative journey with his wife, Susan Parker, resulting in the creation of the play, Sin, Sex & the CIA. Michael exclaimed, “I have had so much fun collaborating with Susan, that I will never write alone again.” This dynamic duo went on to craft additional plays, including Sex Please We’re Sixty, What Is Susan’s Secret?, Sex Please We’re Sixty the Musical, Money Matters, Love, Lies & the Doctor’s Dilemma and Sandy & Toes & Salty Kisses. These works were all published between 2008 and 2018.
While these popular plays eagerly await the opportunity to grace Broadway Stages, their success is measured, by the accolades bestowed upon directors, cast & crew members, as well as the sold out performances and ongoing tremendous box-office records for non-musicals. Michael’s legacy of unleashing boundless laughter continues to leave a lasting impression on global audiences across the globe today.